Kim Cattrall: Sexual Intelligence (2005)
poster Kim Cattrall: Sexual Intelligence
Votazione IMDb:
4.5/10 (8 voti)

Paese:United States, 82 minuti



Regista:Catherine Annau

Scrittori:Amy Briamonte, Jeffrey Kindley, Richard L. Green

Codec Video:H.264/MPEG-4 AVC

Numero: 1125

This documentary explores the mysteries and origins of sexual desire.


photo Kim Cattrall
Kim Cattrall Herself - Host
photo Michael Bader
Michael Bader Himself - Author 'Arousal'
photo Betty Dodson
Betty Dodson Herself - Sexologist
photo Thomas Moore
Thomas Moore Himself - Author, The Soul of Sex
photo Maggie Paley
Maggie Paley Herself - Author, The Book of the Penis

Supporto: Media File, AAC 2.0 - English

Percorso: [DATI]D:\Film\Film\Sexual intelligence (Catherine Annau; 2005).mp4

Prestato: No

Rapporto: 16:9 Widescreen